
  Our school opened with five children in September 2018 … and quickly began to grow! In November 2018, a second teacher, Dawn Heffernan, joined Sarah FitzPatrick (Principal and Teacher). From January 2019, two classrooms were in use: the Junior Room, with Múinteoir [Teacher] Dawn and the Senior Room with Múinteoir [Teacher] Sarah. In December 2018, a new Caretaker joined the staff. In January 2019, our school had grown to 10 children, with more than that number of new enrolments confirmed for September 2019. Following our Enrolment Information Evening on February 13th, 2019, we look forward to planning and preparing for a new generation of learners at Brannoxtown CNS. Our school has benefitted from the goodwill and generosity of many community members. Parents have been actively involved in developing the school: helping to take care of the school grounds and taking-on secretarial duties in a voluntary capacity. Past-pupils of the Brannoxtown National School (under the previous patron) have helped us to organise school resources, from the very first ‘Pizza and Inventory Party’ in late August! Community members have warmly welcomed children and staff to our new school—visiting with gifts of photos, books and the best gifts of all… stories of life in the village in times past. We are hugely thankful to everyone who enabled our school to open in September 2018, and to grow and flourish since then.

Broadmeadow CNS

Broadmeadow Community National School
Rathbeale Rd., Swords, Co. Dublin

Contact us

Tel: 085 804 9106

Mobile: 085 804 9106


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